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Northwestern University Japanese Researchers Association (NUJRA)

For those who study abroad with their children
Most of the children of Japanese researchers living in downtown attend Ogden International School. The tuition fee is around $ 250 a year, and breakfast and lunch are basically provided, so it's okay if you don't have lunch (although there are quite a lot of junk food).
PreK-4 grades are on campus in downtown, but higher grades are on different campuses. Buses travel by school bus from the front of the campus in downtown.
The procedure is very simple, just fill out and submit the required documents from the homepage . However, the number of sheets is very large.
Since it is a corona disaster, basically all procedures will be handled by e-mail, telephone, etc.
Even in the same grade, there are various classes with multiple Japanese people and classes with no Japanese at all, so I don't know where it will be.
Since it starts in September and ends in mid-June, for example, an 8-year-old child born in May will be in the third grade in the United States, but an 8-year-old child born in November will be in the second grade. It may be mixed up.
Parents need to pick you up. If you live around the red circle, it usually takes 20-30 minutes on foot.
Due to the influence of Corona, the school was closed from March 2020, and classes were held online from April, but classes were resumed from 2021/3/1 with Hybrid and from 9/1 with full in person. rice field. Class hours are from 8:30 to 15:30. There is an English Language Learners after school program about twice a week, from 15:30 to 16:30.
Compared to Japan, the chances of physical activity are considerably reduced. Therefore, it would be very nice if the apartment had an indoor pool or exercise space.
Also, participating in local club activities and participating in Park district programs after school and on holidays can help me get along with local children and parents and increase opportunities for physical activity, so I am proactive. I am using it for.
About Summer Camp
Elementary schools in the United States have a long summer vacation from mid-June to the first week of September.
In the United States, it is prohibited by law to leave a child alone at home, so how to leave a child in the summer is a life-and-death problem for working people.
Therefore, Americans put their children in summer camps during the summer vacation and work during that time.
There are two types of summer camps, one is Public and the other is Private. The Public one is about $ 600-1000 in about two months, and the Private one has a very rich program, but the cost is high. It's not uncommon for it to cost as much as $ 2,000-3,000.
The program is announced in mid-April every year, and online reservations will be available about two weeks later. If you fail to enter, your child will stay at home all summer, so it is a matter of life and death. We definitely recommend checking out the Chicago Park District homepage for camping in April. And if possible, I think it's a good idea to create an account for your child.
I think that the 3 places on the above map (+ 4 places including Stanton park, which are a little far away) are candidates for the Park district near downtown.
Lake shore park is the closest to downtown, so it's easy to pick up and drop off, the start time is early, the end time is late, it will take you to Ohio beach etc., the number of people who can participate is large, and it is relatively easy to make a reservation There are merits such as. On the other hand, is it a drawback that the facility is old?
Maggie park has to cross the river from downtown to the south, so those living south of the Chicago campus are within walking distance. The facilities are very new, the park itself is large and the facilities are substantial, so it is the most popular. Therefore, if you do not stand by with the whole family in front of the computer before 9 o'clock of the reservation start date and click with the preparation don at the same time as 9 o'clock, you can not get it.
Jesse White heads west along Chicago St., just past Chicago Station on the Brown Line. Since no one lives in the west, few people may have been to the camp here, but personally, there are plenty of gyms, a large gymnasium, and a large number of people. Since it is limited to a considerably smaller number than the camp in Japan, I think that there are many merits such as being able to take good care of it. However, it may be a little troublesome because you have to take a bus from around the university on Tuesdays.
Stanton Park has a huge advantage that swimming is included in the program. Swimming is not a class in the United States, so there are not many children who can swim like in Japan. Therefore, you can go to a swimming school in Private to learn how to swim. However, on Tuesdays in Stanton, I think it would be difficult if you didn't have a house or a car in the north.
In addition to summer camps, we also offer various seasonal after-school programs at low prices (soccer, basketball, dance, etc.), so take a closer look. Ogden also has an after-school program, which is very expensive compared to the Park district (soccer, karate, cooking, science, painting, etc.).
ノースウェスタン大学周辺に住まれている日本人研究者の方のお子さんは、Kinderにあたる5歳以上のほとんどがOgden International Schoolに通われています。授業料は無償化されており(年度によって変動あり)、朝食・昼食も基本的には供給されるので、昼食を持たせなくても問題はありません。ただし、かなりジャンクフードが多いためhome lunchを持ってきている学生も半数くらいいるようです。
Kinder-4年生まではダウンタウン内のOgden East campusですが、Pre-Kと5年生以上は Jenner campus (1119 N. Cleveland Ave) になります。East campusは徒歩でも問題ありませんが、Jenner campusはダウンタウンから遠いです。スクールバスはなく徒歩かCTA busで通うことになります。
1〜4歳の小さなお子さんは、OgdenのPre-K(4歳)、Preschool/Daycare、ご自宅でみられるなどご家庭によってさまざまです。ノースウェスタン大学の周辺にはPreschool/Daycareが充実しており、日本人研究者に人気のあるPreschool/Daycareとしては、Bright Horizons (Bernice E. Lavin Early Childhood Education Center [Northwestern大学の有給職員のみ])、University Children's Center (UCC)、Guidepost Montessori、Butler Children's Prepなどがあります。Northwestern以外の大学にも附属のPreschool/Daycareがあることが多く、授業料が良心的で人気があります。朝6時半から夜19時まで丸一日預けることが可能な施設もあり、食事が含まれていることが多いので準備は不要です。ほか、教会が主催するプログラムもありますが、預けられる時間が短いです。
Preschool/Daycareを含むアメリカの教育は、日本と比較して子どもあたりの先生の数が多いのが特徴で、基本的には英語でコミュニケーションを取り、幼少期の英語習得という面では大きなメリットがあります。しかし、その分、Preschool/Daycareの授業料はかなり高額で、年々高騰化していることが問題となっています。子どもあたりの先生の人数、施設の質や教育方針、週に預ける日数、預ける時間にもよりますが、だいたい月に1000〜2500ドル、高いところでは月に4500ドルと家賃を上回るような費用がかかることもあり、お子さんの人数によって家計への負担がかなり増えます。Northwestern大学では、福利厚生として授業料の割引や補助が受けられることがありますのでNorthwestern HPや福利厚生の担当者にご確認ください。
最近、シカゴでは条件を満たす家庭の4歳児向けのPre-Kが無償化されました。シカゴ市教育局(Chicago Public Schools, CPS)が提供するPre-Kプログラムが対象です。無償Pre-Kプログラムの利用にはCPSのオンラインポータルを通じて申請が必要です。希望する地域や施設の空き状況に応じて登録が進みます。入学枠が限られているため、特に人気の高い施設には早期に申し込みを行うと良いでしょう。
March 11, 2021 Update
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